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Great tasting, plant-based sustainable snacks.

Life’s too short for a shoddy snack

If you’re anything like us you’re busy, regularly eating on-the-hop and grabbing whatever’s on the shelf … it may be really healthy but tastes a bit like feet … or it might taste ok but is undoing that 5K run you went for last night … and then you might wonder who made it and why?


At Crave Simply we believe in a few simple rules that should leave the world in a slightly better spot than when we started … 

1. Your snack should taste awesome.  There are 10,000 taste buds on your tongue – why rub them up the wrong way?

2. Sustainability should be easy. Just because its looks after the planet doesn’t mean it should cost the earth.

3. Your food should be natural. We don’t put any preservatives, additives or other nasties in our products.


Luckily for us, our chef is as awesome as his culinary creations.  Enzo picked up his love of food from his chef mother and then at a world-renowned catering collage before sharing his knowledge at many of London’s most prominent vegetarian / vegan restaurants. He’s now decided to focus on creating amazing new snacks everyday – we believe he’s absolutely smashed it but that’s not for us to say, that’s for you to judge.


We believe in eating clean, plant based, unprocessed, not baked or fried – we do everything we can to keep the nutrients in.  

If you’re justifying that much loved snack with ‘it’s better than a …”, stop kidding yourself and make a proper choice.

We don’t believe in shapeism (“ism’s” in our view aren’t good) so we aim to use fruit and veg that doesn’t look perfect but 

is still beautiful on the inside.  It’s also important to us that all our packaging can be 100% recycled & we’re doing everything 

we can to avoid plastic 


We’re going to keep it simple, stick to our three rules and we’re confident that we’ll be on a shelf near you in no time with a great tasting, natural & sustainable option when you’re feeling a bit peckish. 

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